Contact us:
+1 123 4567890
Pineapple Loft, 22 Pink Street, New York
We are located in the northern part of the city. The nearest subway is the North Road.
Наши реквизиты
Наименование компании
ProfLine-Shop SRL
Банк получателя
“Mobiasbanca Groupe Societe Generale” S.A. MOBBMD22, IBAN MD12MO2224ASV91717887100
Юридический адрес
mun. Chisinau b-d Negruzzi 2/4 of. 004 , c/f. 1014600032573
Фактический адрес
mun. Chisinau b-d Negruzzi 2/4 but. 204 et.2